Lash and Company: Owner-Operated vs. Manager-Operated Stores

Lash and Company is a renowned name in the beauty industry, offering a range of services from eyelash extensions to skincare treatments. For entrepreneurs looking to join the Lash and Company family, there are two primary models of store ownership: the Owner-Operated Store and the Manager-Operated Store. Each model offers unique benefits and challenges, catering to different types of investors and operators. To reach out, email us

*Owner-Operated Store

An Owner-Operated Store is a business model where the owner is actively involved in the daily operations of the store. This hands-on approach means the owner is responsible for managing staff, overseeing customer service, maintaining inventory, and ensuring the store meets its financial targets.


1. Direct Control and Decision-Making: The owner has direct control over all aspects of the business. This ensures that decisions can be made quickly and tailored precisely to the store’s needs. Owners can implement changes swiftly without needing to go through layers of management.

2. Cost Savings: By being actively involved, the owner can save on the costs associated with hiring a full-time manager. These savings can be reinvested into the business to enhance services, marketing, or infrastructure.

3. Personal Touch: An owner’s presence in the store often translates into a more personal and customized customer experience. Regular customers appreciate the familiarity and commitment of the owner, fostering customer loyalty and repeat business.

4. Comprehensive Business Knowledge: Actively managing the store provides the owner with an in-depth understanding of every facet of the business. This knowledge can be invaluable for strategic planning and growth.


1. Time Commitment: Owner-operated stores demand significant time and effort. The owner must be present most of the time, which can be challenging for those seeking a balance between work and personal life.

2. Limited Scalability: The intense involvement required limits the owner’s ability to expand and operate multiple locations. Each additional store would require a similar level of dedication, which could be unsustainable.

3. Potential Burnout: The constant demands of running a business can lead to burnout. Owners need to manage their time and stress levels effectively to avoid negative impacts on their health and business.

*Manager-Operated Store

A Manager-Operated Store, on the other hand, allows the owner to delegate the day-to-day operations to a hired manager. This model is ideal for those who prefer a more hands-off approach or have other business interests and commitments.


1. Time Flexibility: Owners have the freedom to focus on other ventures, personal interests, or family time. They are not tied to the store’s daily operations, allowing for a more flexible lifestyle.

2. Scalability: With a manager handling the day-to-day operations, owners can focus on expanding their business portfolio. This model is conducive to owning multiple stores or exploring other investment opportunities.

3. Professional Management: Hiring a skilled manager can bring professional expertise and experience to the business. A competent manager can drive the store’s success through effective team leadership, customer service, and operational efficiency.

4. Reduced Burnout: Delegating responsibilities can prevent the owner from experiencing burnout, leading to a healthier work-life balance and long-term sustainability.


1. Higher Operating Costs: Employing a full-time manager incurs additional expenses, including salary and benefits. These costs need to be justified by the manager’s ability to drive business growth and profitability.

2. Risk of Mismanagement: The success of a Manager-Operated Store heavily depends on the manager’s competence and integrity. Poor management can lead to operational inefficiencies, customer dissatisfaction, and financial losses.

3. Communication and Coordination: Effective communication between the owner and manager is crucial. Miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and operational issues. Regular check-ins and clear expectations are essential to maintain alignment.