Why Are Trade Schools Becoming Popular?

Ever been stuck in a job-experience dilemma? You know, where you need a job for experience, but you also need some experience to be able to get a job? We’ve all been there. But it seems that there finally is a solution to this: trade schools.

Trade schools are institutions of education that provide a streamlined curriculum with knowledge and practical experience that gets you job-ready in a specific field.

If you’ve been considering joining a trade school instead of a four-year college program, you’re not alone. Many people in the United States are switching over to trade schools. Here are 5 top reasons why this shift must have increased in recent years:

1 – Trade Schools Are Cheaper Than College

The average cost comparison of 2-year colleges, 4-year colleges, and trade schools is given below.





Tuition Fees

$9410 per year
$37640 Total

$3440 per year
$6880 Total

$5000 – $15000 Total

Other Expenses

Accommodation, books, misc. fees

Accommodation, books, misc. fees


Data Courtesy: https://www.midwesttech.edu/resources/careers/trade-school-vs-college-a-guide-to-weighing-your-options/ 

These are just average costs. But when you crunch the numbers, you’ll see how a 4-year college degree may make you shell out around (or sometimes, above) $100,000 in total! On the other hand, a trade school may make you shell out somewhere around $35000 in total – which is a whopping 65% less than traditional colleges.

2 – Trade Schools Teach Real-World Skills

Data Courtesy: https://financesonline.com/trade-school-college-statistics/ 

According to a study published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York showed that in 2020, 41% of the graduates from traditional colleges were unemployed. Another study published by National Center for Education Statistics, again in 2020, had the following data to reveal:



College graduates


High School Diploma


High School Dropouts


Notice how those with a 4-year degree have a higher unemployment rate than high school dropouts! How are the professionals without a college degree managing to fare so well? The answer lies in real-world skills.

Trade schools design their curriculum in such a way that you learn the real-world skills that will help you go out and be great at the job you’re supposed to be doing – and that professionalism and level of skills come from the hands-on experiences you get at trade schools.

3 – Trade Schools Provide Options

The best part about trade schools is that your favorite thing to do, or your strongest skill, does not have to become an extra-curricular activity that you do when you get time. Today, you have so many options to choose from, that it has become much easier to monetize the skills you’re already good at and make a career out of something you’re truly passionate about.

This flexibility is often not present in traditional colleges, where you may need to focus on a curriculum that does not leave space for you to hone your existing skills.

4 – Trade Schools Provide High Returns On Investment

When the costs of education reduce by around 65%, and when you are able to finish your education quickly, and get enough experience during your coursework to land a job almost as soon as you’re done studying – naturally, the returns that you get will be higher.

With a traditional college, not only is the investment higher, but the opportunity to earn your returns is also pretty uncertain. High unemployment rates can leave you hanging for months without a job unless you do unpaid or low-paying internships that finally give you the experience that could land you a job.

Trade schools, on the other hand, send you out into the world job-ready. You have the experience and the real-world skills, and you will be ready to kick start your career in almost half the time as traditional colleges.

5 – Trade Schools Allow You To Join The Workforce Fast

Trade schools have pieces of training that last for anywhere between a couple of months to a little over a year. Within that coursework, you get a lot of hands-on experience. So, in most cases, you don’t need a buffer period of internships after education. You will be job-ready as soon as you step out.